

The 6 winners of the public call for applications for the second edition of the Nuovo Forno del Pane Outdoor Edition residency program, which closed on March 21 with 86 applications from all over Italy, were selected by a committee chaired by the director of MAMbo and composed of expert members from within the museum staff.

The selected artists and the places where they will work in residence are as follows:

1) Gianlorenzo Nardi

Savena-Idice Cultural District: Loiano

2) Marco Mandorlini

Pianura Est Cultural District: San Marino di Bentivoglio

3) Andrea Di Lorenzo

Montagna Cultural District: Grizzana Morandi

4) Adele Dipasquale

Imola Cultural District: Imola

5) Gaetano Palermo

Pianura Ovest Cultural District: Calderara di Reno

6) Letizia Lucchetti

Reno Lavino Samoggia Cultural District: Madonna di Rodiano, Valsamoggia

Below, in order of preference, is the list of eligible candidates, which can be drawn from in case of withdrawal or overriding inability of the winners:

1) Francesco Fochi

2) Isabella Nardon + Jacopo Noera

3) Gaia Carboni

4) Rachele Montoro

5) Andy&I

6) Chiara Prodi

Artists were selected on the basis of the submitted documentation, taking into particular consideration the portfolio, motivational letter and project idea, according to parameters related to feasibility, originality and impact of the proposal on the metropolitan cultural system.

Full text notice and outcome

Nuovo Forno del Pane Outdoor Edition is curated by Lorenzo Balbi, Caterina Molteni and Sabrina Samorì and coordinated by Giulia Pezzoli.