Developed from the innovative experience of the Nuovo Forno del Pane, promoted in 2020 by MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna to support the artistic community during the Covid-19 emergency by offering them a space for research and production, the Nuovo Forno del Pane Outdoor Edition gives the six candidates, selected through public notice, the opportunity to develop individual and shared artistic projects interacting with the territory in which they are hosted, for a period of three months.

The selected artists and the places where they will work in residence are:

1) Gianlorenzo Nardi

Savena-Idice Cultural District: Loiano

2) Marco Mandorlini

Pianura Est Cultural District: San Marino di Bentivoglio

3) Andrea Di Lorenzo

Montagna Cultural District: Grizzana Morandi

4) Adele Dipasquale

Imola Cultural District: Imola

5) Gaetano Palermo

Pianura Ovest Cultural District: Calderara di Reno

6) Letizia Lucchetti

Reno Lavino Samoggia Cultural District: Madonna di Rodiano, Valsamoggia

During the residency period, the artists will be involved in in-depth studies dedicated to their individual research, in an extensive relational activity consisting of studio visits, conversations, open studios, public reports on the completed projects, as well as a public program of workshops and lectures. Particular attention will be reserved for the creation of a self-learning program, conceived by the artists together with the Museum's staff in order to share collectively new practices, knowledge, and desires.

Nuovo Forno del Pane Outdoor Edition is curated by Lorenzo Balbi, Caterina Molteni e Sabrina Samorì and coordinated by Giulia Pezzoli with the collaboration of Cristina Ropa and Giovanna Trombetti and with curatorial and communication assistance from Margherita Falqui.

The project is promoted by Comune di Bologna and Città Metropolitana di Bologna.